Which Bugs Come Out at Night?

Mosquito at Night

Numerous common household pests are most active during the night. Bed bugs, house centipedes, crickets, and even mosquitoes fall into this category. They emerge in the dark to forage for food, search for mates, and seek sources of moisture. Mosquitoes, in particular, thrive during cooler nighttime temperatures.

It’s no surprise that these “children of the night” can be quite unsettling, especially when they decide to feed on you while you’re trying to sleep. But despite their creepiness, these nocturnal creatures are, in the end, just another type of pest. And like any pest, they can be prevented, controlled, and eliminated. Let’s explore the most common nighttime household pests and what you can do to address them below.

Why Do Bugs Come Out at Night?

Bugs come out at night for a variety of ecological reasons related to temperature, predation, sensory adaptations, food sources, and reproduction. These adaptations allow them to thrive in their respective environments.

Bed bugs feed on their prey at night - Which pests become more active at night?

Are Bed Bugs Nocturnal?

No surprise here, right? Yes, bed bugs are nocturnal, which means they come out at night. Bed bugs can neither extract the blood they need quickly nor latch onto people forcefully. Instead, they wait until their prey is immobile–like when they’re sleeping–so they can gorge themselves at their leisure. Bed bugs become more active at night both because it’s when their prey is vulnerable, and because the darkness gives them cover.  

How to Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs 

We’ve covered preventing bed bugs a couple of times before. The best thing you can do is to make sure you inspect everything you bring home after traveling. Make sure you don’t bring any unwanted hitchhikers home. Wash and clean your bedding and the bed itself frequently, and inspect it for fecal matter or eggs. Heat kills bed bugs, so if you suspect you have them, throw contaminated items in the dryer. If you have an existing bed bug problem, contact your local exterminator for a professional bed bug treatment.

Centipedes hunt at night- Which pests become more active at night?

Why Do Centipedes Come Out at Night?

Centipedes are sneaky daytime hiders who venture out at night for hunting. You might spot them in damp spots or kitchens. They’re drawn to humid, dim, cozy places where they can stay moist and soak up warmth. 

How to Prevent House Centipedes 

Even though they don’t pose any severe harm to humans, they can in fact sting with their two front legs, and they’re just freaky! That’s why preventing them is a good idea. 

To keep them away, reduce indoor moisture, close windows at night, and seal off entry points like gaps between utility lines and walls.

Crickets become active at night - Which pests become more active at night?

Why Are Crickets Most Active at Night?

The reason why crickets are most active at night is because it offers them favorable conditions for feeding, temperature regulation, and mating while minimizing their exposure to daytime predators. With that said, crickets may sound pleasant when they’re outside, but when they’re inside your walls they sound less than pleasant. Crickets are loud, and they love to start chirping right around the time you want to go to sleep, which can get very annoying. They simply do not belong inside your home! 

How to Keep Crickets Away From Your Home

Crickets are attracted to light, heat, humidity, and moisture. Turn off your house lights at night and draw the blinds. Look for and patch up plumbing leaks and other sources of moisture, such as puddling or condensation. Like most other pests, crickets sneak in through gaps in foundations, siding, and window and door frames. Look for places where your noisy foes might squeeze in and seal them up.

Mosquitoes tend to become more active at night - Which pests become more active at night?

Are Mosquitos Most Active at Night?

Mosquitoes are most active during the evening and at night, making them nocturnal or crepuscular insects. They tend to be most active around dusk and dawn, with their activity increasing during the early evening and into the night.

Several factors contribute to their nighttime activity:

  • Temperature: Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects, and they become more active in the cooler evening hours. Warm temperatures are conducive to their activity.
  • Light Sensitivity: Mosquitoes are attracted to light, and their vision is adapted for low-light conditions. They are less active during daylight when the sun is bright.
  • Feeding Time: Many mosquito species feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, including humans. These animals are more accessible when they are active, which often coincides with dusk and nighttime when people are outdoors or asleep.
  • Predator Avoidance: Mosquitoes have numerous predators, such as birds and bats, which are more active during the daytime. Being active at night helps mosquitoes avoid some of their natural enemies.

It’s important to note that while mosquitoes are more active at night, there are some species that are active during the day. The behavior of mosquitoes can also be influenced by environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity.

How You Can Prevent Mosquitos in Your Home

To prevent mosquitoes from invading your home, take a few proactive measures. Ensure that all windows and doors have properly fitted screens to keep them out. Remove any standing water sources around your property, as mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Using mosquito nets over beds and applying insect repellent on exposed skin can help reduce bites indoors. Also, consider using mosquito traps or citronella candles to deter these pests from entering your living spaces. Regularly maintaining your yard, keeping it well-trimmed and free of debris, can also minimize mosquito breeding grounds.

Other Common Insects That Come at Night

In Michigan, as in many other regions, you can find a variety of common nocturnal insects. Here’s a list of some nocturnal insects you might encounter in Michigan:

  • Moths: Michigan is home to numerous moth species, and they are particularly active at night, often drawn to outdoor lights.
  • Fireflies: Fireflies are a familiar sight in Michigan during the summer evenings, with their bioluminescent displays.
  • Mayflies: Mayflies are common near Michigan’s freshwater bodies, and their adults are active in the evening.
  • Katydid: These relatives of crickets are known for their distinctive calls and are often heard at night.
  • Nocturnal Ants: Some ant species in Michigan are more active at night, like pavement ants and field ants.
  • Beetles: Various beetle species can be found in Michigan, and some are nocturnal, including ground beetles and June beetles.
  • Stoneflies: Stoneflies can be found near clean, cold freshwater streams and rivers in Michigan, and they are active at night.
  • Earwigs: Earwigs are nocturnal insects that seek shelter during the day and come out at night to forage.
  • Silverfish: These small, wingless insects are often active at night and can be found in dark, damp areas.
  • Nocturnal Termites: Michigan has termite species that are known to be active at night.

Want to Protect Yourself and Your Home from Nocturnal Pests? We Can Help!

If you’re dealing with nocturnal pests in Michigan and want to safeguard your home against these bothersome intruders, the pest control experts at Griffin Pest Solutions can help. Our experienced pest control experts are well-versed in addressing a wide range of nighttime pests, ensuring you can enjoy peaceful, pest-free* nights. Call us today for a free no-obligation quote. 

Ask us about PestFree365+, our preventative pest control program!

Waterborne Pests and How to Avoid Them

sunset on michigan beach

Here in the upper Midwest, we don’t get too much beach time. Even if you live on a lake, you probably can’t get out on the water nearly as much as you’d like. To make matters worse, when the water finally gets warm enough to enjoy, waterborne pests are all-too happy to enjoy it with you.

Running into a pest outside or in your home is bad enough. Running into one in your water is the worst. Knowing how to avoid and prevent water pests from infesting your home will help give you peace of mind, so you can get back to enjoying your precious beach time.




Mayflies get their name from their explosive emergence in May. They spend most of their lives as nymphs living in fresh water. Nymphs range in size from 3 to 30 millimeters (or .12 to 1.18 inches). They have six clawed legs, a slim body, gills, and two or three tails. Adult mayflies have famously short lifespans and live only to reproduce. They grow longer and more slender than nymphs, and their two pairs of pale wings become functional.

During mating season, mayflies swarm in huge numbers. Often, these swarms grow so large that they cover every surface in a wide area or create significant visibility issues for drivers. Mayflies are attracted to white incandescent and fluorescent lights. Replace white outdoor lighting with yellow bulbs. Consider drawing the blinds at night. If your mayfly problem seems particularly bad, UV light insect traps may prove effective.


mosquito on water


Yes, mosquitoes live in and around water. It’s just not fair! Specifically, many types of mosquito lay eggs in standing water. Mosquitoes need to stay hydrated to survive, which means they need to stay in places where the air is humid and damp. Both of these needs make lakes, rivers, and wetlands the perfect place for mosquitoes to live and breed. If they can get some of the blood they need to lay eggs somewhere nearby, so much the better.

The best way to prevent mosquito infestation in your home is to mop up standing water in your house or on your lawn. If you’re going out to the beach, bring some waterproof bug spray and reapply it every two hours. Try not to stay until dusk, when mosquitoes become more active. Bring along long sleeves and pants to change into after you’ve finished swimming.


cockroach in tub


Like most of the other pests on this list, cockroaches love moisture and humidity. Cockroaches can survive for a month without food, but only two weeks without water. Unfortunate beach goers commonly discover them under wet soil, clinging to the base of a tree or other plants. Though they rarely go near the water itself, the environment lakes and rivers create is perfect for roaches to thrive in.

Roaches are scavengers, and they’ll eat anything they can get their hands on. They’re especially fond of bread crumbs, rotting fruit, and sweets. Outdoor picnics will tend to attract them in droves, especially if remains are left behind. At home, securely tie off or box up your pantry foods and wipe down counters and tables after meals. Cockroaches will take pretty much whatever they can get, so do your best to give them nothing.


giant waterbug


Waterbugs are often mistaken for cockroaches, but there are some big differences–literally! First and foremost, size: waterbugs are a lot bigger than cockroaches. Lethocerus americanus, the most common waterbug in North America, ranges from 12 to 65 millimeters in length (1-2 inches long!). Unlike cockroaches, waterbugs actually live in water, swimming beneath the surface to catch prey. Cockroaches never bite humans, but water bugs are called “toe biters” because of their propensity to defend themselves with painful bites if disturbed.

Waterbugs need water. If they’re coming into your home, there’s a source available to them. Search your home for leaks, dripping faucets, or cracks that allow water in. Water bugs also fly toward light. These bugs get more active at night, when they fly around looking for new ponds or prospective mates. When you’re out, avoid spending too much time around lakes after dark, and be aware of where you step on the lake floor.


No two ways about it: water pests are freaky. No one wants to think about going for a swim, only to step on some gross bottom feeder. If you know a bit about the pests you’re likely to see, however, chances are they won’t seem as monstrous or dangerous to you. If you follow these steps, you may not have to see them at all!

If you’ve been struggling to keep waterborne pests out of your home or lawn for awhile and you’re at your wit’s end, give Griffin a call today! Whether they come by land, water, or air, we’ve got the perfect defense to thwart your pesky pillagers. Enjoy the beach!

Protect Yourself from Summer Pests

You aren’t the only one excited to finally spend some time outside in nice weather. All kinds of pests start to stir in the spring for the express purpose of enjoying the warm sun and abundant food available in summer.

Your summer should be about getting outside and enjoying the weather, not itching bug bites and removing ticks. Here are a couple easy ways to defend yourself and your home from these all-too-common summer pests.



It wouldn’t be summer without mosquitoes, right?! Because it would be better summer. The quintessential summer pest becomes most active (and hungry) during the hottest months of the year. Mosquitoes look for standing water where they can lay eggs. Clean up stagnant water to prevent mosquito overload. Look for low patches in your lawn, clogged downspouts, gutters, or storm sewers, plumbing leaks, and shaded areas where water won’t evaporate.

Mosquitoes only need a little water, so you have to be thorough. If you’re going out and can’t avoid the tiny bloodsuckers, follow these tips to prevent bites: Wear long sleeves and pants, high socks, boots, and a hat. It goes without saying, but you should also wear bug spray. Reapply the spray about once every two hours. Mosquitoes get more active at dusk and at night, so consider calling it a day shortly before the sun sets if you don’t want to get itchy.



Ticks are the other annoying bloodsucker of summer. They can’t fly, but they can jump onto you or your pets and bite down, latching on while they feed. Like mosquitoes, ticks get all feisty and active during hot summers. Unlike mosquitoes, ticks stick around; they may stay attached to you for days if they go unnoticed.

Ticks live in places with heavy foliage or vegetation, which they use to get to their unsuspecting prey. They jump from tall grasses, weeds, or other plants directly onto their target. Avoid overgrown paths or walking through forests unprotected. Wear long sleeves when hiking, and check yourself and pets for ticks when you get home. Run your hiking clothes through the dryer as soon as you get back. To prevent ticks around your home (it happens), keep your lawn, hedges, and bushes trimmed short. Maintain your garden by taking good care of plants and de-weeding frequently.



There are a ton of different kinds of ant, and they’re all pests in their own special ways. House ants contaminate food sources. Carpenter ants eat through wood. Fire ants have a notoriously painful bite. Whatever the case, you don’t want ants in your home. When the weather starts to heat up, ants come out looking for food and water. Homes like yours can be a great source for both, if you’re unprepared.

Ants usually infest kitchens. They’re attracted to food remains, especially crumbs and sweet liquids. Wipe down countertops and tables after meals. Don’t leave bread or grains of any kind sitting on in the open. Consider transferring food from paper containers into hard plastics. Don’t leave dishes out, even to soak in the sink. Look for any cracks or crevices where ants might sneak in, especially around the kitchen. Ants don’t need very much space, so don’t assume any opening is too small.



Wasp nests usually reach their most active state in mid-to-late summer. During this stage, wasps aggressively forage for whatever food they can get their hands on – and they love human food. If you’ve ever had a picnic outside during the summer, you’ve probably encountered wasps before. They’re particularly attracted to sweet food and liquids, like fruits, juices, and candies.

You only need to worry about a wasp problem on your property if they build a nest nearby. There are a number of ways you can prevent this: Keep your garbage in tight plastic bags. Wash out recyclable bottles before taking them to your bin. Don’t leave food out in the open for very long, and clean up immediately after meals. Wasps won’t sting unless provoked, so do your best not to antagonize them. If you’re allergic to wasp stings, call a professional the moment you notice a larger-than-average wasp presence around your home.


Pests may be more active during the summer, but that’s no reason to deny yourself some fun in the sun. Follow tips like these, and you’ll go boldly into the warmth and fear neither sting nor bite! Or at least, you’ll fear them less.

Of course, if you find out you have a pest infestation and you want it dealt with fast, you can always call Griffin today. We’ll take care of your problem quickly and permanently, so you can get back to your life.

The Price of Pest Infestation

It would be bad enough if pests just kind of hung out in your home or business. They’re gross. Nobody wants to live with them. Unfortunately, however, there are even more important reasons to deal with pest infestations quickly and permanently. Pests wreck literally incalculable damage on manmade structures and the natural world alike. Scientists recently estimated that invasive forest insects alone cost the US over $4 billion dollars annually.

Even common pests like rodents or beetles can do a surprising amount of damage to your home surprisingly quickly. Here are a couple of the worst problems pests can make for you if you let them. If you’re worried you have an infestation, take action immediately to save yourself the potentially expensive headache of dealing with stuff like this. Sorry about the scare tactics; we just want to make sure you know what to keep an eye out for.

Ceiling with pest damage
Structural Damage

First, the big one. Wood is still the primary building material used in homes. Pests like termites, Longhorned Beetles, Emerald Ash Borers, ants, and carpenter bees all feed on and/or burrow through wood. That loadbearing 2×4 holding up part of your kitchen floor is just another tasty snack for them. When wood-boring pests eat through wood, they damage its structural integrity, making it ineffective and exposing it to the possibility of cracking or even collapsing.

Though it’ll take time for pests to dramatically damage your home, even minor structural damage should be considered very dangerous. Damage to your home’s framework or foundation can be expensive to repair, and might have a huge negative impact on resale value. If you have a termite, beetle, or ant infestation, it’s crucial that you deal with it quickly and take steps to prevent future infestations.

Electrical wire pest damage
Electrical Damage

Did you know that rat and mice teeth never stop growing? Rodents like these start teething as babies and never stop. That means they need something relatively soft to chew on constantly. One of the telltale signs of a rodent infestation are tiny bite marks on a wide variety of household items. Carpeting, furniture, wood, fabric, and even hard plastics aren’t safe from the incessant gnawing.

Alarmingly, rats and mice love chowing down on wires more than almost anything else. The shape, length, and softness of a power cord make electrical cables the perfect teething tool. Repeated biting and chewing wears down on electrical wires, the same way nervously biting a pencil leaves marks and dents in it. If the rodents keep coming back for long enough, they could expose the internal wiring inside the cord, creating a major fire hazard.

Clothing with pest damage
Fabric Damage

Good news: adult moths don’t eat clothes. In fact, they don’t eat at all! Bad news: adult moths lay their eggs in clothes. And then the hatched babies eat your clothes. Moth larvae feed on fabrics until they reach maturity, doing considerable damage and leaving behind holes in the process. Moths are known for eating clothes, but they’ll feed on any kind of fabric, hair, or fur, including drapes, carpeting, or decor.

Moths aren’t the only fabric-feeders, either. Silverfish and carpet beetles can both do considerable damage to your flooring or wardrobe. Plus, it’s icky. You don’t want to wear a pair of underwear that baby moths have been chewing on. Even minor fabric damage can ruin expensive or difficult-to-replace items quickly, so don’t wait to take care of the moths you find in your closet.

Furniture with pest damage
Furniture Damage

Wow, pests really don’t leave anything alone, huh? Rodents, beetles, moths, spiders, and pretty much everything else can damage or even take up residence in furniture. Most pests prefer dark, hidden areas where they can hide, sleep, and eat in peace. Large furniture, especially sofas and fabric armchairs can be really attractive nests for some unwanted roommates.

Pests aren’t content to just crash on your sofa, either. Given the chance, they’ll use it as a food source, ripping into it and carving out holes. Pests can ruin a lot of wood, fabric, and even plastic furniture faster than you might suspect. Plus, again, it’s gross. You don’t want to sit on a sofa that has roaches in it. Trust us…


Remember: a little proactive maintenance always beats a big repair or replacement paycheck. Practice good pest prevention strategies now, and hopefully you’ll never have to worry about damage like this.

If you’ve noticed any of the problems we’ve laid out here in your house, don’t panic! Just give us a call right away. Not only can we get any pests in your house to leave your stuff alone, we can make sure they don’t come back after we kick them out. The faster you take action, the less you have to worry about–so take action now!

How Can I Tell If I Have a Pest Infestation?

Signs You Have a Pest Infestation

Every pest infestation leaves behind some sign of the pest’s presence. Look for grime or other buildups on walls, smeared droppings, or bite damage on fabric and paper. See if you can smell strange odors in your basement, attic, or crawlspace. Check pest-prone areas consistently to look for changes.

If you can learn to identify pest infestations quickly, you can take action to remove them sooner. The sooner you can remove pest infestations, the lower the chance that they’ll do permanent damage… or spread. If you’re worried you have a pest infestation, look for any of the following four signs. The sooner you find evidence like this, the sooner you can take the next steps:

Old wall with smudged buildup in the lower corner - Signs you have a pest infestation

Grimy Buildup

Whatever pest infestation you have, they’re making a mess somewhere. Bugs, rodents, spiders, and beetles all prefer dark, enclosed, humid places, so start your search in the basement or attic. Look high-and-low, in corners, under furniture, along the edges of the walls, and near window frames. You might find grease stains, crumbs or other food remains, dirt smudges or even discarded hair.

Rodents, in particular, tend to familiarize themselves with set routes and then stick to them, so look for trails of grease or grime where their bodies may have rubbed off against the walls. If your floors or sills are dusty, look for trails left behind by pests moving around. Early signs like these are often subtle, so look closely, be patient, and believe yourself. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Clump of rat hair - signs you have a pest infestation


It turns outs pests don’t practice great hygiene. There’s a reason they’re called “pests”, after all, and it isn’t because they’re fun to have around. Pests leave behind their waste just like everything else. Look for small droppings around the same pest-attractive areas you search for less conclusive evidence.

The type of dropping you may find will help you determine the kind of infestation you have. Rodent droppings are spindly or conical and solid. They’ll be small and may not look or smell like much of anything. Insect droppings are even smaller, but may also include shed or discarded skin, wings, or body parts. It’s tough to be a bug. Obviously, spiders make webs to catch prey. They tend to know their stuff when it comes to pest-catching, so anywhere you find webs, look for ways other pests may be getting in nearby.

Woman wearing clothes pin on her nose so she won't have to smell - signs you have a pest infestation


Pests can produce a wide variety of smells, and pretty much all of them are unpleasant. All kinds of pests, including ants, beetles, rodents, or other bugs often carry off food to enjoy in a secluded place. The problem is, sometimes they don’t finish their meal and it begins to rot. If you smell rotting food and you can’t find it, it could be that a pest carried a piece of fruit into your walls.

Pests may also bite through food packaging in an attempt to get at its contents, breaking an airtight seal and exposing perishable foods. If you smell particularly foul odors, it’s possible that your pests are dying in their hiding places or walls and then rotting. Of course, their droppings often smell, too. If you’ve got a strange scent in your house that you can’t quite place, and it’s definitely not pleasant, an infestation could be the problem.

Torn fabric - signs you have a pest infestation

Fabric Damage

Unfortunately, moths aren’t the only pests who damage fabric and clothing. Different kinds of beetles, ants, rodents and bugs also feed on or at least chew through vulnerable fabric. Look for small holes or tears on clothing, drapes, carpeting, furniture, and any other fabric-based stuff you may have. It may not seem particularly appealing to us, but pests don’t mind the taste of underwear one bit.

When we say “fabric damage,” we don’t just mean bite marks, either. Like anything else they’re around, pests can make fabric dirty. Look for smudges of dirt, grease, grime, or droppings on your fabric. These dirty patches may be very small, but they could get big too. Look at freshly washed and dried clothing especially. See if your fresh laundry gets dirty or damaged before you even have a chance to wear it.


If you find any of these four signs during your inspection, give us a call. We’ll use the info you helpfully provide to figure exactly what kinds of pest infestation you’re dealing with, where they’re coming from, and how we can keep them out. We know we can take care of your problem quickly and effectively, because we’ve done it countless times before. Happy hunting!

Why Do Boxelder Bugs Come Back in Spring?

Boxelder Bug swarm on wood

Starting in early spring, boxelders re-emerge from their overwintering sites to feed and mate. The bugs re-appear so quickly every spring because they often find their overwintering sites around homes and neighborhoods. Adult boxelders begin reproducing immediately after they wake up from winter dormancy, triggering population growth all season long.

Although “boxelder season” is generally considered to be fall, you may find boxelders are equally prevalent in spring. You probably find them a little too prevalent. Unfortunately, if you have boxelders in spring, you’ll probably have them in fall… and next spring. Fortunately, you don’t have to have them in either season! By learning about why boxelders come out in spring, you can learn to keep them away from your home for good. Here’s what you should know about the other boxelder season, and what you can do about it:

boxelder bug

Why They’re Back

Technically, it would be more accurate to say they never left! During the winter, boxelder bugs sneak into the nooks and crannies of homes, where they can stay safe and warm while they hibernate. Unfortunately, boxelders are great at getting into walls, attics, basements, crawl spaces, or floorboards. Once inside, boxelders hunker down in out-of-the-way places and stay there all winter. They’re so quiet and un-intrusive, you may forget they’re there!

Unfortunately, even if you forget about them, the boxelders are still there. In spring, boxelders wake up waiting two things: food and… uh… companionship. Boxelders mate in early spring, so their offspring will be ready to survive when next winter rolls around. Thing is, boxelder bugs have to get busy to… get busy, which means they come out in force looking for places to eat and court mates. Honestly, their spring behavior isn’t all that different from ours.

Boxelder bugs entering home through a gap

Where They’re Coming From

(Cue the horror movie music) The bugs are coming from inside the house! Any adult boxelder bugs you see this spring hibernated through the winter. Unfortunately, if you see some boxelders hanging around your place, it’s probably because they spent all winter squatting. Don’t feel bad about it–it’s more common than you’d think.

Boxelder bugs exploit even the tiniest breaches in a home’s defenses. They’ll crawl through floor cracks, squeeze through insulation, or creep under gaps in a window frame. Look in dark, warm, humid, hidden spaces. You might find them under boxes, in walls or insulation, near corners, or on window frames. 

Boxelder tree seeds

What They’re Looking For

Like we said above, when boxelders wake up they’re looking for food and mates. They’re interested in food first (priorities). Boxelder bugs got their name from their affinity for boxelder trees and other trees in the acer family, but they’re not picky. They’ll will eat just about anything, especially in early spring when they’re at their hungriest. They cling to trees, leaves, developing seedlings, or low vegetation.

After mating, boxelders want to find a place to lay eggs. The best places to lay eggs are places where the newly hatched offspring will have a plentiful food source readily available. Acer trees like boxelder, ash, and maple trees satisfy every one of the boxelder home requirements, which is why they’re so particularly appealing to the lazy little bugs.

A stack of window screens

How We Can Stop Them

It’s tough to stop boxelder bugs in spring, after they’ve already infested your home or surroundings. There are a few ways you could make your yard or building less attractive to them, however. First, perform regular lawn maintenance. Mow your lawn, trim your hedges, make sure branches or leaves don’t touch the home. If you have an acer tree, clear seed droppings regularly. If your problem is really bad, you may consider having the tree removed.

Inside, you could vacuum, sweep, and clean boxelder bug-prone spaces frequently. Vacuum the bugs up directly when you encounter them. Boxelders don’t hatch eggs inside homes, so you don’t have to worry about that. Look for places where they might be getting free food and moisture. Seal up cracks in the floor, insulation, or foundation. Consider replacing window screens annually.


Boxelder bugs are annoying and a little distressing, but they’re not dangerous. The best way to keep them away in spring is to keep them away in fall, too. Look for ways they get in and take away the things they want, and you’ll find it’s completely possible to significantly cut down or even eliminate the boxelder presence around your home.

Finally, just remember: if you’ve tried everything and you still can’t seem to deter your red-and-black nemesis, give us a call. We’ve got plenty of experience skirmishing with the vengeful “bug from beneath the basement”, and we’re happy to play your sidekick. Have a happy spring!