Fending Off Fruit Flies: A How-To Guide

Fending off Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are a perfect storm of small, fast, persistent, and hardy. They love to creep into your kitchen and make their home on overripe fruit, unwashed dishes, and similar sweet places. Nobody wants bugs in their banana bread!

That’s why we put together this list of five easy fruit fly prevention practices. Following these easy steps will help make sure those annoying bugs don’t make your home their home.‍

Keep rotten fruit out of your home

This is the most obvious answer to the question, “How can I prevent fruit flies?” Fruit flies, unsurprisingly, love rotting fruit. It’s what they most enjoy eating and it’s the reason they have the name they do. Any fruit that is past ripe should be cleaned up, bagged up, and taken out.

Make sure your drains and garbage disposal are free of food waste

Fruit flies love food waste, and drains and garbage disposals are popular places for food build-up to occur. Remove their potential food source by maintaining their cleanliness. Slow drains are usually a sign that there’s a clog or build-up.

In many cases, that clog or build-up is made up of the sort of organic materials fruit flies love. Pouring boiling water down problem drains can help loosen up these clogs, but if they’re still problematic afterwards, it’s best to call a professional and have them cleaned.

Clean out your recycling and garbage bins

When you drink a canned beverage and then throw it in the recycling, it’s never completely empty. There are always a few drops left. If your recycling bin isn’t lined with a bag, those few drops can build up. When they do, they’ll attract fruit flies.

Using trash bags in your recycling bin is one way to help prevent this. You should also regularly wipe and clean out all bins so that there isn’t a chance for icky sticky sweetness to collect. Cleaning your bins will be a big step toward keeping fruit flies away from your home or business.

Rinse dishes and cups as soon as you’re done using them

Do you see a theme with all our suggestions? Staying on top of cleaning food waste is the number one defense against fruit flies.

That extends from drains to bins to your dishes themselves. Never leave half-empty cups sitting around, and rinse your dishes before setting them in the sink to keep pests away.

Replace any old sponges or mops

Fruit flies are kind of gross. They’ll live in whatever filth they can find, as long as there’s a little sugar or moisture nearby. We recommend replacing the sponges you use for washing dishes in your kitchen at least bi-monthly, because these sponges are another place where their preferred food waste can hide.

Even if you try your best, sometimes things don’t go your way. If fruit flies have moved in despite your best efforts, you can call on the experts at Griffin Pest to get them taken care of quickly and permanently.

Protecting Your Trash From Hungry Pests

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You might be wondering why you should need to protect your trash bin from outdoor pests. Everything in it is garbage, after all. The problem is that after pests get used to eating garbage from your bin, they start to get bolder. Smaller pests like rodents and roaches will start looking for ways to get into your house, since they’re nearby anyway. Larger pests, like raccoons, will start to lose their fear of humans, which can be dangerous.

One of the best ways you can keep pests away from your home and property is by depriving them of an easy meal at your garbage bin. Follow these steps to make sure your bin is secured… so the only thing getting in and out of it is you.


black garbage bags

Only Throw Bags in Bin

It’s probably tempting to throw trash from your car directly into your bin when you get home, but it’s a bad idea. Loose garbage smells, attracting pests from near and far. It’s also a lot easier to get to and eat than food kept in a tied bag.

Throw any trash your home produces into bags before it goes out into the bin. The only thing that should go into your outdoor bin should be garbage bags. Make sure the garbage bags aren’t broken, and seal them tightly. If you only store bags in your bin, it’ll stay clean longer and won’t attract nearly as many pests.


bungee cords

Fasten Lid with Bungee Cord

Pests access your garbage bin by climbing up to the lid and squeezing under to get at the garbage inside. Pests can squeeze through tiny gaps, so if you’re going to secure your bin’s lid, you need to make sure it’s tightly and securely fastened down.

Make a chain of a couple bungee cords. Wrap them under and then over the bin from bottom-to-top, so that the pressure of the strain produced by the cords is weighing down on the lid of the trash can. Make sure there’s no slack in your bungee cord chain. If you made it tight enough, it should be impossible for any pests to open the lid and get into the bin. Unfasten the cord chain carefully before opening the lid yourself.


Rinsing out recycling

Rinse Liquids Out Before Disposing

Moisture, especially sugary moisture, attracts pests even more than easy food. Any trash that generates condensation or contains liquid will be like a beacon to thirsty pests.

Before disposing of recyclables like cans, bottles, or paper cups, make sure you rinse them out to get rid of any leftover fluid inside the receptacle. Do the same for any trash containing moisture, such as TV dinners or juice boxes. Dry the outside of the trash after rinsing.


Garbage and recycling bins sitting out on curb

Empty Once a Week

This one is obvious, but make sure your neighborhood’s garbage company empties your garbage and recycling bins once a week.

Check to make sure the garbage company is effectively collecting all of your trash. After their weekly collection, there should be nothing in your bin whatsoever. Make sure they aren’t letting any garbage fall out of the bin or truck to litter your property, either.


Hose spraying attachment

Wash Out Bin

Even if you only throw out sealed garbage bags, your bin will get dirty over time. Use your hose or a bucket of hot, sudsy water to rinse, wash, and re-rinse your garbage bin about once a month.

Scrape out any garbage residue and scrub down the inside and outside walls of the bin. Use dishwashing soap or another heavy-duty cleaning agent. Once you’re done, rinse out the inside and outside thoroughly. Repeat until your bin is totally clean.


Trash bins kept outside

Store Away From House

It’s a good idea to keep your outdoor garbage bin about 10 feet away from your house, even if it isn’t garbage day. That way, when pests come to check out the bin, they won’t associate it with your house and start to look for a way in.

This is especially important if your garbage bin smells, though regular cleaning should help remedy that problem.


Securing your garbage and recycling bins is a simple but effective way to keep pests out of your home and property. It’s also a good way to promote household hygiene awareness. If you can’t think about developing better pest-proofing habits until you’ve solved your current infestation problems, give Griffin a call today. We can make sure even the most frustrating of pests don’t trouble your home again.