Bed Bugs: Summer Travel Tips


Bed bugs are highly mobile pests and as a result they possess the uncanny ability to infest a wide array of environments.

A recent national survey of pest management professionals revealed some very unusual locations where bed bugs were found including a prosthetic leg, in a casket with a deceased body, a dance club, and on a tow boat in the Ohio River.

The point is bed bugs are a threat to strike virtually any environment and brick and mortar structures including homes, hotels, movie theaters, healthcare facilities, college dormitories and apartment/condominium complexes do not hold a monopoly on being prime bed bug real estate.

Transportation environments including trains, buses, planes, boats, taxis, and camper trailers are susceptible to bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are able to access these locations when brought in on clothing, bedding and luggage, and the numerous cracks and crevices located in these environments create ideal harborage for bed bugs.

While not a seasonal pest by any stretch, 66% of pest management professionals responding to the survey said summer is when they receive the most calls about these nasty, blood-sucking pests. This can be attributed partly to the increase in summer leisure travel when vacationers are hopping on trains and planes, checking into hotels, jumping into taxis, and packing and unpacking luggage.

Bed Bug Summer Travel Tips

  • Pack your belongings inside sealable plastic bags and bring some extra large plastic trash bags.
  • Upon arrival inspect your room for dark fecal or dried blood spots on bedding and closely examine the folds or creases of the mattress and box springs, upholstered chairs, drawers, and headboards.
  • Don’t unpack your suitcase; Only take the clothes out that you will be wearing, and don’t leave your shoes on the floor – keep everything inside your sealable plastic bags.
  • Store the luggage in the bathtub or on a tile floor. These areas are the least likely places bed bugs will be residing.
  • When you return home carefully inspect your possessions for any hitchhiking bed bugs and make sure to thoroughly check the clothing you are wearing. Unpack your bags outdoors or in the garage, and put everything that can be in the washer. For items that can’t be washed, it is recommended placing them in the dryer at the highest temperature setting for at least 10 minutes.

Griffin Pest Solutions’ clients can count on us to deliver proven, highly targeted treatments to any environment. These treatments are done using the latest products and application techniques, and are performed in a time-efficient manner to limit disruption and eliminate the infestation.

If you have questions or concerns about bed bugs call or e-mail Griffin Pest Solutions at 888/547-4334 or callcenter@ for more information and a free estimate.

Don’t let the bed bugs bite when college kids’ return

As parents and siblings look forward to returning college kids across the country, they need to do a little preventive maintenance that wasn’t so common just a few years ago.

A few extra steps to prevent a bed bug infestation will save you time, money, and trauma. College students tend to live a cluttered, communal life-style, giving bed bugs the upper-hand in hiding places and the ability to transfer and spread.
Don’t rely on your students to tell you if they have bed bugs or not, these pests can hide in the bindings of a borrowed text book, a cd-case, in objects that don’t even belong to your student. Just follow these simple tips to prevent bed bugs from taking up residence with your family this summer.

Getting ready for Homecoming
Put all “soft” materials in plastic garbage bags and close/secure tightly. – clothes, bedding, stuffed animals, pillows, anything made of cloth.
Seal backpack in plastic garbage bag. If he/she wants to use items on the way have them take out and wash thoroughly, but keep the backpack in the sealed garbage bag.
Discard used vacuum cleaner bags in an outside dumpster before putting it in any vehicle for transportation.
Put all small items like books, cds, game players, papers, and files in plastic garbage bags and close/secure tightly.

Upon Arrival
Do not bring items into the house all at once! In an orderly fashion –
Open the “soft” plastic garbage bags one at a time and launder, it is the dryer – not the washing – that will kill the insect and eggs – so you must put the contents in the dryer for 30 minutes at the highest setting for the fabric. Do not skip this step.
Inspect bags with items that can’t be easily laundered. You can place them in freezers for at least 5 days – books, papers, cds. Remember to leave them inside the bags.
Electronics are trickier, you need to inspect them carefully before bringing them inside, as bed bugs are small enough to crawl inside many devices. Once inspected, you should wipe them down. If you find they are infested, do not bring them inside. Return them to a sealed bag and contact a professional to see about treatment options.
Continue Inspecting for Several Weeks
Unfortunately, these insects can be elusive and they’re eggs are almost invisible.
Look for small darkish brown/red spots on the edges of bedding, live bugs, or empty bug shells. Some people, though not all, will also begin to show reaction to bites.
Don’t panic, if you end up with bed bugs, and the reality is that bed bugs are going to be a part of our life for a long time to come, there’s help available. Call 888-547-4334, click, or live chat with one of our agents right now. We’re here to help.

Bed Bug Travel Tips

commercial pest control hospitalityWith so many people traveling over the summer months, we thought if best to offer a few travel tips to help reduce your risk of getting bed bugs. Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and travel on your belongings. The more you can minimize your possible contact with them, the less likely it is that you will bring them home with you.

1) Do Your Research – Before you book your hotel, check out sites like or to see if anyone has posted bed bug issues at your hotel. If they have, choose another hotel. Just because your hotel is not listed, does not mean they are without bed bugs. They may still have an issue, but no one has posted anything yet.

2) Pack a Flashlight – Our entire staff travels with flashlights. It’s your best tool in helping to determine if your hotel room has bed bugs. When you arrive at the hotel, if possible, leave your luggage in the car when you check in. Take your flashlight and inspect the mattress and bed. Remove the sheets and look for small rust dots (about the size of pencil eraser head). These will be blood stains. If you see nothing on the mattress, check behind the headboard. If you can take it off the wall, or shake it, go ahead. If you see the rust spots, insect skins or insects, inform the manager and check out!

3) Don’t Put Luggage on the Bed – No one from our office will put their luggage on the bed, furniture or luggage rack. Our suitcases go in the bath tub. I admit, it’s not very convenient, but better safe than sorry. My luggage never leaves the bathroom.

4) Pack Giant Zip Lock Bags – All of my clothes go into a giant zip lock bag before my trip home….even if I didn’t wear them. You can get a box at any grocery store for under $5. Don’t skimp…the bags must seal tight!

5) Don’t Bring Your Luggage in Your House – Once you get home, don’t bring your luggage in your house. You will need to remove everything from your luggage and vacuum thoroughly, inside and out. Vacuum, remove the vacuum bag, seal it tight in a plastic bag and throw it in your outside garbage. If you can make a stop at the car wash with a coin operated vacuum, on the way home, do it!

6) Dry Your Clothes – Take your zip lock bags and empty them directly into your dryer. Set on the hottest setting and leave clothes in there for at least 30 minutes. Don’t fill the dryer too full. You need the hot air to circulate. Shoes too if they can tolerate it (like sneakers). No need to wash clothes first. It will do no good.

This all may seem obsessive and extreme…but trust us; it is well worth the hassle. These simple steps could save you not only from red, itchy welts which can be caused by bed bug bites…but also save you thousands of dollars in bed bug extermination costs.

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Bed Bug Products

pest control workerBed bugs are everywhere in the news and consumers are looking for solutions. They’re searching the internet for that magic bullet. Of course the internet is full of answers, but doesn’t distinguish between good and bad choices. The bed bug pandemic is a perfect opportunity for scam artists to take advantage of people who are desperate for help. So keep these tips in mind for when you can’t sleep tight.

Ordering pesticides off the internet is a bad idea. DON’T DO IT!
◦You have no way of knowing what you are really buying.
◦Pesticides banned in the US are often still available in other countries.
◦Sellers may intentionally misrepresent their products as bed bug solutions, when in fact; they are worthless in controlling bed bugs.
◦Some products should not be used indoors or around people or pets.
◦At one time, DDT was effective at killing bed bugs, but now DDT is ineffective against many of the current bed bug strains.
◦Most insecticides are not effective at killing bed bugs, or they kill bed bugs very slowly.

If you do choose to try an over-the-counter pesticide for bed bugs, or any other insect, please remember…the label is the law and the label matters. The label is there to ensure your health and safety.
◦If the product is not labeled for bed bugs or not labeled for the treatment area, do not use it. Doing so puts people and pests at risk.
◦Over-application or misapplications are real problems. Follow the label exactly. More is not always better.

There are safe and effective ways to eliminate bed bugs. We encourage you to contact a pest management professional in your area who will outline all the options available to you.